Vintage Buying Appointments: The Good, the Bad and the Fabulous

Vintage Buying Appointments: The Good, the Bad and the Fabulous

A question I get asked a lot is, “What are buying appointments?”.

That questions often leads to, “How do you do each appointment?”.

Those who own vintage shops whether it be online or brick & mortar know that buying appointments are CRUCIAL when selling vintage, so let’s break it down!

What exactly is a buying appointment?

A buying appointment is when we set up a day and time to go through someone’s vintage that they’d like to sell. This can either be an appointment in-store or at this person’s home.

When I do buying appointments, in order for me to be fully engaged, I need to make it a time when I am not actually running the shop. I often have people coming in before or after shop hours, which gives me the ability to give the seller the attention they deserve.

On special occasions I do on-site appointments at the seller’s home, which gives me a really great view into their life, who they are and what they love. I’ve found that this is when I can get the best stories about the pieces I’m buying, so that I can pass that on to the future buyer! Vintage means so much more when there’s a bit of provenance!

Alright, so you may wonder, “What do you actually do once the appointment starts?”.

That’s the best part! Think of it as being a fashion, treasure hunter!

Here are both ends of the spectrum that I’ve experienced:

I had one buying appointment where a woman was selling off her ENTIRE estate, so she could move cross country. She was a master seamstress and kept all of her pieces in immaculate condition while also having a story for each one! As an added bonus she had an open bar and treated me to VERY strong Gin & Tonics :)

On the other end, of the spectrum, I went to a buying appointment in a building that had all of it’s electricity shut off. This was the middle of Summer, hot and humid. I was looking through PILES of vintage clothing using only the flashlight on my phone. It felt like something out of a horror movie! The worst part was tripping over things every 10 seconds! Not to mention that person I had the appointment with would leave randomly and I’d be there with a random guy who was looking through some old furniture. Add on the mass amount of beer cans everywhere and you have yourself a party!

Find yourself going to a first time buying appointment? Here are some of my tips & tricks!

  1. STAY HYDRATED! Keep drinking fluids and bring a water bottle with you!

    - Buying appointments can sometime be a day long process, so take care of yourself!

  2. If you can, bring someone with you!

    - An extra pair of hands to haul and an extra pair of eyes for advice always helps!

  3. Let someone know where you are.

    - Remember, you’re sometimes going to unfamiliar places, so stay safe and let people know where you’ll be!

  4. Be prepared to feel like crap the next day!

    - I’ve had many appointments in hot, humid and dusty conditions, which means your body will retaliate the next day!

Want to hear more about some of my favorite and least favorite buying trips/ appointments? Let me know! I have a lot of stories to tell!

See you next time!

Much love,



FASHION: Art in Motion- History, Preservation and Why Garments Are More Than Just What We Wear


Let's Talk Vintage Buying, Baby!